Everyone does their part, both teachers and students, to do whatever it takes to make our school a place where each and every person is an important piece of what makes Pallotti special.
We are connected to each other and to our school. School pride is the vehicle that lets use learn to believe in something bigger than ourselves. Our school has value. It is our home away from home, our community. It's not just these two but many things that make up our school pride. We are proud of our school and our students: past, present and future.
School pride is a feeling deep down inside of us. We feel it each morning when we walk through the front doors of Pallotti. It's pride, it's caring, it's treating each other with respect and it holds a very special place in our hearts! So, even though you can't define it in one word, you know it when you see it, hear it and feel it. It's alive and well!
Committed to educating the whole person and developing well-rounded individuals, Pallotti offers a wide variety of extra-curricular enrichment activities for our students. We strongly encourage students to become active in the school community by participating in one or more activities. Our list of clubs and activities changes often based on student's interests and participation. Students often initiate new groups to meet their interests and Pallotti welcomes these ideas.
It is our belief that through the exploration of extra-curricular activities including visual and performing arts, students will grow in character and depth of thinking. They can, through these activities, become better persons, able to contribute to their community in a variety of enriching ways. We encourage each Pallotti student to take an initiative to actively participate and strive towards personal accomplishments.
We will meet every other Tuesday in Ms. Tyler’s room. Please watch for signs and announcements for date and time!
Moderator - Mrs. Tyler
Cooking will meet through google meet once a month at 6pm. Before each meeting students will receive a list of ingredients along with the food that will be made. They will be given the google link to use to come to the meeting and step by step instructions will be done during the meet. Most recipes will be completed within an hour and dinner will be served. This will help students learn about cooking and appreciate the science behind it while realizing how fun it can be to cook a meal and have it ready when Mom and Dad return home from work.
Moderator - Mrs. Duckworth
Guitar Club meets each Thursday after school in Mr. Owen’s room beginning in the second semester. Anyone interested in guitar can join. All levels of play are welcome including beginners. Guitar Club meetings typically include an opportunity to play with and learn from others. Students are encouraged to bring their guitars though owning a guitar is not required to participate in Guitar Club.
Moderator - Mr. Owens and Mr. Bayly
This is a girls exclusive club with the purpose of promoting character development, creating a positive impact on school climate and community, and preparing our young ladies for the future. Our ladies will engage in a series of activities that will enhance their leadership skills, and create positive-healthy relationships.
Moderators - Mrs. Rodriguez/Mrs. Shahraky/Mrs. Hishmeh/Dr. Mahoney
Don’t Hate, Negotiate! Model United Nations, which began in 1955 as a small gathering among several Catholic high schools in Philadelphia, has become a worldwide system of clubs and conferences in middle schools, high schools, and universities. In this club, students learn valuable skills applicable to the real world while debating with their peers over various issues. Skills developed and refined include the importance of negotiating, compromising, quick thinking, and public speaking.
At Pallotti, Model UN commenced in the 2018-2019 school year. With over 50 delegates, it is the school’s largest and most diverse club. Members can attend any number of the conferences we attend in a school year. We also host our own annual conference (PawMUNC) each Spring.
We are always accepting new members!
Moderator - Mr. Marchand
The House Band is PHS’ own student-led praise and worship group. We act as the musical spiritual leaders of the student population while leading the school in lifting our voices to God in the school masses, prayer sessions, retreats, and any other spiritual gathering where music is key. Musical experience is required, but ALL instruments and voice types are welcome! We rehearse on Wednesdays after school from 2:45-3:15 pm.
Moderator - Mr. Morrison
This is an inclusive club that features students and or faculty in its school magazine titled Panther. In PMC, students will spend the semester gathering school news and taking photoshoots to build and release a magazine either by modeling, photographing, fashion designing, fundraising, and more. One magazine before winter break and one before summer break. PMC allows anybody, whether a member of the club or not, to model for its magazine.
Moderators - Mr. Ernstein & Ms. Tyler
The drumline is an all percussion performing group that will be appearing at the PHS football games, basketball games, and several other Laurel community events. We perform fun and exciting drum cadences while incorporating easy but groovy dance moves and visual tricks to liven up and entertain at every event in which we appear. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:40-3:15 pm. No prior musical experience is necessary to participate!
Moderator - Mr. Morrison
Pepper Garden Club introduces students to the world of hot pepper growing. One of our main tasks is planting and maintaining the Pallotti Pepper Garden located on campus. In addition, we germinate seeds, tend to young plants, plant the garden, care for potted pepper plants, and harvest the hot peppers for the community to enjoy.
Moderators - Mr. Bayly & Mr. Martin
The Ping Pong Club is open to any skill level. Bring a paddle (or use one of the classroom ones) most days after school from 2:30-3:15 in Room 127. This is a very casual club, so you can show up whenever you can.
Moderator - Mr. Martin
Plant Club invites all those who love nature, plants, and flowers and want to learn how to bring some of that joy and relaxation inside. We will have information discussions about plants with question and answer sessions, planting, potting, and propagating lessons, and more. We plan to meet at least once a month but twice is the goal.
Moderator - Ms. Belinky
Meetings will be on Wednesdays and Fridays 2:45 - 3:30 pm.
Moderator - Mr. Jenkins
This club gives students an opportunity to perform monologues from some of Shakespeare’s best-know plays and compete against both Pallotti students (Pallotti Competition) and students from all over the metropolitan area (Washington, D.C.-area Competition). Those considering acting as a profession or just wanting to stretch themselves are encouraged to join the club. The winner of the Pallotti event goes on to the regional competition. The regional winner heads to New York for a final competition. In 2019 and 2020 a Pallotti student finished 1st and 2nd, respectively, in the regional competitions!
Moderator - Mr. Lancaster
A recreational club founded with the purpose of spreading the joy of skating. Specifically, we roller skate in the fall/spring and ice skate in the winter. We meet monthly at the least.
Moderator - Mrs. Cunningham
The Spirit Club is a social, fun, inclusive group of students who meet regularly to discuss and improve school spirit and support our athletic teams. Some of their activities include, but are not limited to, advertising for games by painting banners and signs, helping to decorate the gym for senior days and pep rallies, and helping with the organization of “pink games” in October and our annual Midnight Madness. Spirit Club members encourage the student body to attend games and show their “Pallotti Pride” at all athletic events throughout the year.
Meeting times vary, but are usually during lunch periods and/or after school.
Moderator - Mrs. Schmidt
Members of these clubs, and activities are elected, appointed, and/or selected by a committee or their classmates, teachers, and administrators. These clubs and activities are not open to all students.
St. Vincent Pallotti said, "Seek God, and you will find God". Taking these words to heart, the Department of Campus Ministry helps students to search for God in all aspects of their life with the goal of helping them grow in their faith. One of St. Vincent Pallotti's most endearing traits was his ability to get others involved in the mission of the Church. He knew that any revitalization within the Church or renewal of faith was not going to happen by a single individual. Rather, he saw the renewal of the Church as everyone's mission. In collaboration with the Religion Department, students learn to integrate the lessons they’ve learned in their classes with their own spiritual journey for the glory of God, the common good of the world, and their own personal growth.
Some highlights of Campus Ministry at Pallotti include:
Nancy Vawter
Campus Minister
Freshman Circle of Friends Retreat
The freshman retreat, "Circle of Friends," addresses the idea that we are all a part of the family of God. The goal is for the freshmen to get to know one another and to recognize their place in the family of God.
Sophomore Service Days
The sophomore retreat theme is "Circle of Friends in Action." Sophomores attend days of service at various area locations. The emphasis of this retreat is on the sacredness and dignity of all life created in the image and likeness of God.
Junior Kairos Retreat
The junior retreat's theme is "Call To Discipleship." The three-day retreat's goal is to help develop in each student a desire to deepen their love and understanding of our Lord and to make a commitment to serving Him.
Senior Revive and Rekindle Retreat
The senior Vocare retreat, "Go Light Your World," deals with the theme of vocations.
Footsteps of Pallotti Italy Trip
Students have the opportunity to travel abroad to Italy to be immersed in the Pallotti Spirituality with the intent of inspiring Apostles to revive faith and rekindle charity. This trip is a pilgrimage, a time of prayer, and a time of service and formation to learn about St. Vincent.
This trip is only open to Union Leaders.
Belize Service Trip
Students have the opportunity to travel abroad with Cross Catholic Outreach in a mission to serve those in need. Alongside their classmates and teachers, students travel to Belize were we volunteer at a Pallottine Missionary Sisters founded school. In addition to the service work this experience is a pilgrimage. Students begin and end their days with prayer. The trip abroad also includes excursion possibilities to explore the ancient Mayan ruins, the beautiful Caribbean beaches, snorkeling and tree top zip lines for our more adventurous travelers. The most important work we will do in Belize is cultivate relationships.
Take a look at this amazing video, recapping our 2024 service trip.
Community Service is an important part of each student’s experience at St. Vincent Pallotti High School.
Service is not only an excellent way to put into practice the values and knowledge gained in the classroom, it is also a fundamental part of the Gospel we are called to live. Jesus said, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35) Pallotti students are encouraged to become servants of all, reaching out to all those in the community who find themselves in need. Our proximity to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore provides plenty of opportunities for our students to become aware of the difficulty of the poor and to work with churches and service agencies to assist those in need. Programs such as: food distribution, tutoring youngsters, visiting senior citizens, recreation with handicapped and/or disabled adults; and far reaching mission trips to Belize and South Africa all strengthen our students and allow them to "live for the infinite glory of God."
St. Vincent Pallotti was renowned for how he drew so many other people into charitable activities. Inspired by our patron, St. Vincent Pallotti High School strives to make service something that is easy for students to make part of their lives. To assist students, the school:
An Opportunity to Lead
Every year, Campus Ministry enlists the help of a team of seniors to lead our retreat program. Applications become available the week after the last Kairos returns. The process involves an essay, self-evaluations, and an interview. Those who are selected attend an overnight training sessions in August before helping to lead all of Pallotti's retreats.
Leadership Team Resources
Uniform for the 2024-2025 School Year
To view your school’s uniform requirements or place an order, visit us online at www.flynnohara.com. Enter your state and the name of your school (St Vincent Pallotti) to get started! Our website is also the best place to find the FlynnO’Hara store that supports your school, to learn about our School Year Product Guarantee, to find information on returns & exchanges, and so much more.
Flynn O'Hara - Give us a call at (800) 441-4122 or email us:
Information, especially now, is constantly changing. Stay up-to-date on the latest back-to-school uniform information by opting into our emails, or following us on social! This is where we’ll be communicating COVID-19-related safety updates, sharing at-home resources, announcing discounts, etc. We promise we won’t overwhelm your inbox! We’re just sending the important stuff, focused on making back-to-school shopping as safe and easy as possible this year.
Girls are required to have either the Dark Gray or Navy Hey Dude or Sperry Shoes.
Boys are required to have either Black or Dark Gray (Charcoal) Hey Dude or Sperry Shoes.
No athletic shoes, tennis shoes, or sneakers should be worn. No other colors are permitted.
Click on the shoe for the Amazon offering.
Girls Gray Sperry
Girls Navy Sperry
Girls Gray Hey Dude
Girls Gray Hey Dude
Boys Black Sperry
Boys Black Hey Dude
Boys Black Hey Dude
2024-2025 School Year Student and Parent Handbook
Click the button below to view and download the current Student and Parent Handbook.
Transportation Services
For many years, St. Vincent Pallotti High School has partnered with the Annapolis Bus Company/Towne Transport, to provide bus service throughout the Bowie area, to and from Pallotti. Please refer to the bus service agreement on this page for cost and route information and how to register for bus transportation.
If you are looking to organize a carpool, please contact our Admissions and Enrollment Manager for a list of names by zip code for interested families. Only currently enrolled families can receive carpool information.
Student Emergency Contact Form
If your student has any medical issues or court orders, please contact Sharon Schmidt directly at the school.
301-725-3228, ext. 2210, sschmidt@whtmy.com
Please fill out the entire form.
Pallotti provides a quality health program that enables every student to reach a stable physical well-being in order to maximize the benefit of his or her educational experience.
Nurse Ruth Rogers, R.N.
School Nurse
Our goals of this program are to teach students how to use the technological tools available to them to broaden their learning horizons, use Web 2.0 tools and the Internet effectively, and prepare them for the workplace of tomorrow. We will also help teach students how to use the large amount of research tools available on the World Wide Web, thus increasing their ability to do research on their own. We will teach organizational and study skills, from organizing lecture notes to completing homework and submitting it electronically, using software on the notebook computers.
It is mandatory that the student participate in our 1:1 laptop technology program.
If you already have a Windows laptop that meets the minimum specifications listed below, you may use that machine in the school.
It is recommended you get some type of Accidental Damage Plan. We are unable to provide home networking support.
Pallotti provides each student with a Google Apps for Education account, which includes a school email account, Google Drive, Docs, and other apps we feel will enhance the students' learning experience.
NOTE: Students enrolled in Engineering courses need a minimum Quad-core processor, 16 Gbit RAM, and 250 Gbit SSD hard drive.
NOTE: After years of experience with technology in the classroom, we have realized it is difficult to provide support for various operating systems during class time. As a result no Chrome, or Android operating systems will be allowed.
NOTE: Microsoft has released a new version of Windows 10/11, S Mode. Windows 10/11 in S Mode will not run the software we need here at Pallotti. If your laptop is running Windows 10/11 in S Mode, go to the Microsoft Store within Windows and search for "switch out of S mode".
To connect a device to Pallotti's wireless network your device needs to be registered with the Technology Department.
To connect a device to Pallotti’s wireless network your device needs to be registered with the technology department.
Students are limited to a maximum of 2 devices on our network. NO CHROMEBOOKS, TABLETS, PHONES OR IPODS.
Please follow the appropriate directions for your device and provide the requested information below:
For Windows 10 / 11 devices:
Physical address example: 08-34-C8-DF-32-78
Thank you for contacting us!
Submission can take a few seconds, wait for the Thank You message.
The student dining menu is updated weekly. You can view the menu on our website or click the image or button below to download the menu for yourself. Catering and menu are provided by Zest Food Services.